Thursday, January 30, 2014

Beer and Morale

Ah, another "beverage of moderation" ad from the Brewing Industry Foundation. The shock of prohibition hadn't dissipated in July of 1943 when this ad ran and it shows. Behind the typical World War II patriotism and white-wash of mom, home, and apple pie Americana there's a slight "we're still good, right?" self-checking.

Notice that the image used for this ad doesn't even show a hint of an alcoholic beverage? Nope, not even a coffee cup that could conceal a little nip of whiskey. In fact it's very Norman Rockwell with the wife looking on fondly while her husband stares adoringly at the radio. Ah, the forties, when spouses didn't speak to each other...

And who knew we probably would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the morale-improving characteristics of beer? Yup, if the American worker wasn't half soused between shifts he just might have fallen into a lethargic depression and we know where that leads. Yup, all work and no play sinks ships...or something like that.

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