Sunday, October 13, 2013

Candy of the Day - Ford Gum

The Ford Gum and Machine Company, as the name implies, makes gum and machines to dispense gum. The barbershop I went to as a kid had a Ford machine sitting by the front door. It was a Lion's Club sponsored machine that dispensed Ford's imitation of chicklets and you'd get three for a penny. Oh how times have changed.

So, what does this have to do with Halloween and what winds up in your bag? Well the gumball machine side of Ford's business has practically nothing to do with your Halloween take, but Ford is also the maker of a couple gums that fall into what I broadly call the gross category. I’m talking about Hot Dog and Bologna gum.

Now, before you get your hopes (or bile) up, let me say both of these gums are fruit flavored. It’d be interesting if they actually tasted like hot dogs or bologna, but note I didn’t say it’d be good! Having tried bacon flavored mints, I’m pretty much on board with gum tasting like gum and not a meat dish.

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