Sunday, October 20, 2013

Candy of the Day - Peconut Crisp

Alright, I’ll confess I chose Peconut Crisp as the candy of the day just because I stumbled across the ad while perusing old Rotarian magazines. The smaller ad comes from the August 1914 issue of The Rotarian and the larger ad comes from a January 1915 issue of the University Missourian. As with many turn-of-the-century candies, there are a lot of claims of “good food energy”, but not a hint of how the candy actually tasted. I’m assuming like peanut and coconut.

By the way, the fellow behind the desk with the coconut head and a body formed from peanuts is, prepare for the originality, is the Peconut Boy. I've got an aversion for anthropomorphic foods, they remind me of Douglas Adams' cow that wanted to be eaten.
Time has erased this candy from the face of the earth. Even a troll through Google doesn’t reveal its fate. Like so many small confectioners it’s gone to the big candy dish in the sky.

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