Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Candy of the Day - Jujyfruits!

1950 Jujyfruits Ad from Life Magazine
Jujyfruits, make sure you get at least three servings from the glue food group every day! Mostly I remember Jujyfruits as a theatre candy, sitting in a lighted cabinet with other strange throw-back confections like Sno-caps. Jujy’s came in four flavors that all tasted like corn syrup. Originally the Heide Company made Jujyfruit, a business started by German immigrant Henry Heide in 1869 but since then the brand’s changed hands several times. Today you can find Jujy’s being made by the Farley’s and Sathers Company.

You've got to worry about an ad campaign that has the slogan "Ever try Jujyfruits?" It sounds like something you say about Lima beans, "C'mon Johnny, have you ever even tried Jujyfruits? They can't be that bad, can they?"

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