Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thanksgiving Feed - Campbell's Mushroom Soup (1953)

A staple of the Thanksgiving casserole, that salty soup of mashed mushrooms, Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. Seems like I can remember when the green bean casserole came into my life. It was sometime during the seventies, back when my grandparents were living and hosted every family gathering in their tiny 30's era bungalow with the six and a half-foot high ceilings. Back then practically everyone smoked and there'd be a Camel-Winston cloud bank from about Adams apple to ceiling. Eventually, with lungs ragged from second-hand smoke, I'd retreat to the tiny backyard to get a breath of icy fresh air and listen to the breeze moving through the nearly-bare limbs of the gigantic apple tree that dominated their tiny lot. Who would have guessed I'd be sentimental for second-hand smoke?

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